- IIIT Delhi Signal Processing Student Chapter and IEEE Signal Processing Society Synthetic Aperture Technical Working Group are proud to host the 2025 Summer School on Synthetic Aperture Imaging for Radar, Sonar, and Optics from April 1st to 3rd, 2025, in the IIIT Delhi campus as a part of the Delhi Satellite Event for ICASSP 2025. The summer school is open to all! Registration will be open on 26th February 2025.
- Paper titled "Demonstration of Broadband Data Link over off-the-shelf Solar Module with White LED " by Rahul ., Prof. Anand Srivastava, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Deepak Solanki, and Dr. Abhijit Mitra has been accepted in IEEE/OPTICA PUBLISHING GROUP Journal of Lightwave Technology. "LinkedIn"
- IIIT Delhi's ECE Department hosted a Winter School Program from December 31, 2024, to January 3, 2025, which was an engaging and inspiring experience for 9th and 11th-class students from Sardar Patel Vidyalaya and Birla Vidya Niketan schools based in Delhi."LinkedIn"
- We are pleased to announce that iHub Anubhuti's supported PI, Ranjitha Prasad, and her student's paper titled "Continual Federated Learning With Aggregated Gradients" (C-FLAG)" has been awarded the Best Poster Paper Award at the 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), held at IIT Hyderabad, India, 2025!"LinkedIn"
- Best Demo Award at COMSNETs 2025! Excellent work and demonstration by Jeet Tekchandani (Dual Degree Student, IIIT Delhi) and Jai Mangal (PhD Student, IIIT Delhi) at Algorithms to Architecture, IIIT Delhi in collaboration with Shobha Ram."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled : Enhancing Wireless PHY with Adaptive OFDM and Multi-Armed Bandit Learning on Zynq System on Chip by our PhD Student Neelam Singh and Dr. Sumit J Darak Darak (Faculty) has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (IEEE TVLSI)."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "L10-FeAu Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junction: A DFT+NEGF Study" by Sheikh Rouf and Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh from Quantum Electronics Lab has been published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics."LinkedIn"
- Celebrating IIIT-Delhi's Excellence at #MAPCON2024! Dr. Shobha Ram, Dr. Debidas Kundu, Kainat Yasmeen, Akanksha Sneh, Aakanksha Tewari showcased outstanding contributions at the IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON 2024), held in Hyderabad, India, from December 9–13, 2024"LinkedIn"
- A paper titled "Experimental Validation of Solar Panel Communication with Various Phase Shift Keying Modulation Schemes for Light Communication," by Rahul ., Khagendra Joshi, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Abhijit Mitra, Prof. Anand Srivastava and Deepak Solanki has been accepted for presentation in IEEE ANTS, December 15-18, 2024, in Assam, India."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled: Smart Element Allocation Strategies for Dynamic Optical IRS in Underwater Wireless Communication by Rehana Salam, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Anand Srivastava is accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology-Oct. 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled " Visible light active 0.95KNbO3-0.05Ba(Nb1/2Sc1/2)O3 ferroelectric for enhanced photocatalytic activity" by Devender Takhar (JNU), Ankit Chahar (JNU), Deepanshu Sharma (IITD), Ram Krishna Ghosh (IIITD), and Balaji Birajdar (JNU) is published in Wiley Advanced Sustainable Systems ."LinkedIn"
- The Paper titled "Exploiting Side Information for Improved Online Learning Algorithms in Wireless Networks" by Dr Manjesh Kumar Hanawal (Faculty, IIT Bombay) and Dr Sumit J Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Impact of Non-Idealities on the Behavior of Probabilistic Computing: Theoretical Investigation and Analysis" by Amina Haroon, Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh, Dr. Sneh Saurabh is published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Flow-based Rate Maximization for Link Aggregation Enabled Hybrid LiFi-WiFi Network" by Saswati Paramita, Dr. Arani Bhattacharya, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Rizwana Ahmad, Ph.D., Prof. Anand Srivastava is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology."LinkedIn"
- A paper titled "Digital-Twin Enabled Time Ahead Resource Allocation for Integrated Fiber-Wireless Connected Vehicular Network," by Akshita Gupta, Saurabh Jaiswal, Martin Maier, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Anand Srivastava, has been accepted to IEEE Journal of Communications and Information Networks, Sept 2024."LinkedIn"
- A paper titled "Adaptive Traffic Signal Cycle Control for Green City Traffic Management," by Akshita Gupta, Anant Agarwal, and Vivek Ashok Bohara, has been accepted for presentation in IEEE TENCON, December 1-4, 2024, in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Performance Analysis of THz and VLC Systems Under the Impact of Weather and Human Blockages," by Hanshita Prabhakar, Saumya Chaturvedi Chaturvedi, Akshita Gupta, and Vivek Ashok Bohara has been accepted for presentation in IEEE TENCON, December 1-4, 2024, in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Driving Mode Advisory for Emergency Manueuering in TransVerse Enabled Connected Vehicular Network," by Akshita Gupta, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Martin Maier has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, September, 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Reconfigurable Radar Signal Processing Accelerator for Integrated Sensing and Communication System" by Aakanksha Tewari (PhD Student), Shragvi Sidharth Jha (BTech'23 alumni), Akanksha Sneh (PhD Student), Dr. Sumit J Darak, Dr. Shobha Ram is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (IEEE TAES)."LinkedIn"
- We are delighted to announce that our PhD student Jai Mangal (advisers: Dr. Sumit J Darak & Dr. Shobha Ram) has won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) 2024 for the innovation title "Development of Hardware Prototype of IEEE 802.11 ad Based Wideband ISAC at mmWave Frequency". This is the third consecutive year that the Algorithms to Architecture lab students have won QIF. "LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Reconfigurable Metasurface Reflectors Using Split-Ring Resonators with Co-Designed Biasing for Magnitude/Phase Control " by Mohamed Emara (PhD Carleton University), Debidas Kundu (Faculty IIITD), Keigan Macdonell (PhD Carleton University), Leandro Rufail (Postdoc Carleton University) & Shulabh Gupta (Faculty Carleton University) is accepted in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation."LinkedIn"
- We are happy to announce that the paper titled "Light-trapping by wave interference in intermediate-thickness silicon solar cells" by Sayak Bhattacharya (Dept. of ECE, IIITD) and Sajeev John (Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto) has been accepted in the Optics Express Journal."LinkedIn"
- Our PhD candidate Jai Mangal (advisers: Dr. Shobha Ram and Dr. Sumit J Darak) has been selected for the prestigious TCS Research Scholar Program for the project titled "Millimeter Wave Front-End for Wideband Integrated Sensing & Communication Transceiver". The TCS Research Scholar Program offers various benefits, including financial support of Rs. 70,000 per month for the first two years and Rs. 97,500 per month for the next two years for their research, enabling them to pursue groundbreaking work without financial constraints."LinkedIn"
- Our PhD student Nazreen Shah (advised by Dr. Ranjitha Prasad) who has been selected to attend the EEML 2024 Summer School (Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School) in Novi Sad, Serbia, from July 15th to 20th. She will also present her poster there."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Dual Functionality of BiN Monolayer: Unraveling its Photocatalytic and Piezocatalytic Water Splitting Properties" by Devender Takhar (PhD, JNU), Dr. Balaji Birajdar (Faculty, JNU) and Dr. Ram Krishna Ghosh (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) is published in RSC Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (DOI: 10.1039/D4CP01047G)."LinkedIn"
- Prof. Anubha Gupta, Professor, Dept. of ECE, IIIT-Delhi for being nominated by Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) among the 20 women scientists in STEM from India to represent in ASEAN India Women Scientists Conclave in Singapore, April 2024."LinkedIn"
- Prof. Angshul Majumdar (Salsa Lab - Angshul Majumdar) is honored as a ScholarGPS Highly Ranked Scholar. He is placed in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide, which puts him 5th in contribution to Compressed Sensing in lifetime contributions, along with professors from top US universities."LinkedIn"
- The patent titled "A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR RESOURCE OPTIMISATION OF ACCESS NETWORKS" by Akshita Gupta, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Prof. Anand Srivastava has been granted by the Indian Patent office."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Analysis of Handover Rate and Coverage Performance of Mobile Users in UAV Networks" by Neetu R, Dr. Gourab Ghatak, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Prof. Anand Srivastava is accepted in VTC Spring 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled, "WiLiConnect: A Novel CSI Sharing Technique in Hybrid WiFi/LiFi Networks," by Saswati Paramita, Dr. Arani Bhattacharya, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Prof. Anand Srivastava has been accepted for presentation at VTC2024-Spring."LinkedIn"
- Paper entitled "Mitigation of Metal Body Proximity Effect in Magnetically Coupled HF RFID Systems by Somnath Mukherjee, Debidas Kundu, and Ashis Khan has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled: Impact of Time-Varying Dynamic Human Blockages on Indoor Visible Light Communication System by Tathagat Pal, Dr. ANAND SINGH, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Prof. Anand Srivastava has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication (IF: 10.4)."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Unsupervised Learning in a Ternary SNN Using STDP" by Abhinav Gupta & Dr. Sneh Saurabh has been published in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society."LinkedIn"
- Paper entitled "Low Complexity Deep Learning Augmented Wireless Channel Estimation for Pilot-Based OFDM on Zynq System on Chip" by Animesh Sharma, Syed Asrar ul haq, and Dr. Sumit J Darak has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Low-Complexity High-Speed Residual Network-Augmented Channel Estimation for mmWave Massive MIMO" by Anurag Gulati (BTech ECE), Syed Asrar ul haq (PhD), Dr. Sumit J Darak and Varun Singh (MTech VLSI) is accepted in IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "RNN-Based Low Complexity High-Speed Channel Estimation Architectures for Vehicular Networks" by Syed Asrar ul haq (PhD), Bhavesh Dangwal (MTech VLSI) and Dr. Sumit J Darak is accepted in IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Low Complexity Deep Learning Aided Channel Estimation Architecture for Vehicular Networks" by Syed Asrar ul haq (PhD Student, IIIT Delhi), Dr. Sumit J Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi), Abdul karim Gizzini (Sogeti Labs, France) is accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS) 2024."LinkedIn"
- Article titled "Tracking an Untracked Space Debris After an Inelastic Collision Using Physics Informed Neural Network," co-authored by Harsha M (PhD student, IIIT Delhi), Gurpreet Singh (PhD student, IIIT Delhi, and Scientist-SF, URSC-ISRO), Dr. Vinod Kumar (In-SPACe), Dr. Arun Balaji Buduru and Dr. Sanat K. Biswas has been accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Reports."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Federated Learning for Wireless Applications: A Prototype" by Varun Muttepawar, Arjun Mehra, ZUBAIR SHABAN, Dr. Ranjitha Prasad, Dr. Harshan Jagadeesh is accepted in COMSNET 2024."LinkedIn"
- We are elated to announce that our students, Yash Agrawal and Akshat Vikram Singh, under the guidance of our lab engineer Dr. Rahul Gupta and faculty, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara have received the Best Demo Runnerup Award at COMSNETS 2024 for their demo: 'Filtering RRT for Autonomous Navigation,'."LinkedIn"
- We are excited to share the blog written by our B.Tech students Kunal Sharma (B.Tech. EVE) Annika Sinha (B.Tech. EVE) Nishita Lohana (B.Tech. ECE) on the topic "ChatGPT for Hardware: Is Artificial Intelligence an Answer?"."LinkedIn"
- The paper titled "Hybrid RF-VLC Technology for V2X in Platooning Applications under Different Weather Conditions" by Saikrishnan S, Priyanka Singh, Dr. ANAND SINGH, and Prof. Anand Srivastava has been accepted in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 21 - 24, 2024 in Dubai, UAE."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "QoS Aware Task Offloading for Digital-Twin Enabled Connected Vehicular Network," by Akshita Gupta, Drishti Diwani, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Prof. Anand Srivastava has been accepted for presentation at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 21 - 24 2024 in Dubai, UAE."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Over-the-air Clustered Wireless Federated Learning" by Ayush Madhan-Sohini, Divin Dominic, Nazreen Shah, Dr. Ranjitha Prasad was presented at Globecom 2023."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Bilayer Synthetic Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion-Based Muller C-Element," by Jasmine Kaur, Dr. Sneh Saurabh, Dr. Shubham Sahay has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023. "Link"
- Syed Asrar ul Haq, Anurag Gulati & Bhavesh Dangwal have been declared winners in the APCCAS design contest 2023. Their primary presentation idea was channel estimation on wireless PHY layer along with the integrated MATLAB to SoC flow on various word lengths.
- The paper titled FLIP: An Artificial Neural Network-based Post-routing Incremental Placer by Pranav Jain, Gagandeep - and Dr. Sneh Saurabh has been accepted in VLSID 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Coupled Resonator-Based Metasurface Reflector with Enhanced Magnitude and Phase Coverage" by Mohamed .k Emara (PhD Carleton University), Debidas Kundu (Faculty IIITD), Keigan Macdonell (PhD Carleton University), Leandro Rufail (Postdoc Carleton University) & Shulabh Gupta (Faculty Carleton University) is accepted in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "IEEE 802.11ad Based Joint Radar Communication Transceiver: Design, Prototype and Performance Analysis" by Akanksha Sneh (PhD IIITD), Soumya Jain (MTech IIITD), Sri Sindhu Vemuri (MTech IIITD), Dr. Shobha Ram (Faculty IIITD) & Dr. Sumit J Darak (Faculty IIITD) is accepted in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology."LinkedIn"
- The paper titled "Artificial Neural Network-based Prediction and Alleviation of Congestion during Placement" by Pooja Beniwal, Dr. Sneh Saurabh has been accepted in VLSID 2024."LinkedIn"
- At IMC 2023, IIIT Delhi showcased a diverse array of eight innovative projects through the collaborative efforts of various research labs and talented individuals. Within this impressive lineup, one standout project emerged from WiROCOMM and CoELiFi Lab, led by Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara and Prof. Anand Srivastava. This remarkable project showcased the Hybrid LiFi/WiFi Network Hardware setup, skilfully demonstrated by Saswati Paramita, a committed Ph.D. scholar."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled Improving Retention Time of 1T DRAM using Electrostatic Barrier: Proposal and Analysis by Shivendra Singh, Ekta Tiwari, Abhinav Gupta and Dr. Sneh Saurabh is accepted in VLSID 2024."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Hybrid Li-Fi/Wi-Fi Network on a Prototype Testbed," by Saswati Paramita, Prof. Anand Srivastava, Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Abhijit Mitra, Hariramamoorthy M, H. K. Atluri, Dr. Paventhan A is accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2023, India."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled On Maximizing the Channel Gain for an IRS-aided Indoor VLC System with Blockages by Pooja Kumari (B.Tech, IIIT Delhi); Md Zaid (B.Tech, IIIT Delhi); Dr. Anand Singh (Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore); Prof. Vivek A Bohara (IIIT-Delhi); Prof. Anand Srivastava (IIIT Delhi) is accepted for presentation at IEEE ANTS 2023."LinkedIn"
- University of Chicago, USA and the ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) invited Prof Anand Srivastava as Panelist in the session on “Spectrum Studies towards mmWave/THz bands/Optical Spectrum" in the context of 6G, Joint sensing and communications at the Joint Workshop cum Conference on Spectrum and Telecommunications Policy and Technology for Future Wireless Systems. The three-day Workshop cum Conference was organized at the University of Chicago Delhi Center (Oct 16) and Le Meridien, New Delhi (Oct 17-18). This event is co-organized by the University of Chicago, USA, and ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI), in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame, USA, and IIT Delhi.
- Paper titled "Low Complexity High Speed Deep Neural Network Augmented Wireless Channel Estimation" by Syed Asrar ul haq (PhD IIITD), Varun Singh (MTech IIITD), Bhanu Teja Tanaji (MTech IIITD) and Dr. Sumit Darak (Faculty IIITD) is accepted in 37th International Conference on VLSI Design & the 23rd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID 2024)."LinkedIn"
- Prof. Anand Srivastava & Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara received an outstanding technical contribution award from TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development Society India). The TSDSI Outstanding Technical Contributions Award has been instituted to recognise the efforts and contributions of individuals in progressing the development of a standard or report. It also recognizes an individual’s efforts in contributing to and/or championing a Technical activity within TSDSI during the financial year."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled "Cache Enabled UAV HetNets: Access - xHaul Coverage Analysis and Optimal Resource Partitioning" by Neetu R, Dr. Gourab Ghatak, Dr. Anand Srivastava, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara is accepted in IEEE Transactions of Cognitive Communications and Networking (IEEE-TCCN)."LinkedIn"
- Paper titled Performance Analysis of Cache-Enabled Handover Management for Vehicular Networks by Neetu R, Dr. Gourab Ghatak, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Anand Srivastava is published in IEEE Transactions of Network Science and Engineering (IEEE TNSE).
- We are elated to announce that our Ph.D. student, Ms. Bushra Ansari, (adviser Dr. Sanat K. Biswas) has been invited to participate and present her research work titled “NavIC-Reflectometry Receiver Development for Remote Sensing Applications” at the United Nations/Finland Workshop on the Applications of GNSS 2023 in Helsinki, Finland.
- Paper titled: Resource Allocation for Sum-Rate Maximization in Multi-UAV SCMA Networks by Saumya Chaturvedi, Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara, Dr. Zilong Liu, Dr. Anand Srivastava and Dr. Pei Xiao has been accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Workshop, 2023 to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Book titled Navigation and Tracking in Space: Analysis and Algorithms, authored by Dr. Sanat K Biswas & Andrew Dempster will be published by Artech House UK. The book will be available from 31-01-2024. The book is available for pre-order on below given. "Link"
- Dr. Debidas Kundu received a Young Scientist Award at the 35th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS) 2023, held in Sapporo, Japan, from August 19-26, 2023. "LinkedIn"
- Dr. Sanat K. Biswas was recently interviewed by the Aaj Tak team regarding the update on Chandrayaan3. "LinkedIn"
- We are pleased to announce that our PhD student Nazreen Shah (adviser Dr. Ranjitha Prasad) has been selected for the Prime Minister’s Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research.
- The ECE department organized a get-together with students, alumni & faculty on 18th Aug 2023. The event was a delightful convergence of past and present, as faculty, students, and alumni came together to celebrate their shared connection. The event not only fostered a sense of community but also provided a valuable platform for networking and mentorship, reinforcing the enduring bonds that tie the department's members together.
- Dr. Sumit Darak and Algorithms to Architecture Lab, ECE, IIIT Delhi, conducted the second edition of two weeks of summer School on Digital System Design for FPGAs at IIIT Delhi under the National Academic Immersion Program (NAIP) for MITWPU, Pune.47 participants from BTech ECE (AI/ML Stream) attended the school and explored Verilog-based design of Sequential Circuits and VGA-based Video Game Design on the Basys 3 FPGA board. Four students, Anuj Porwal, Rahul Vishwakarma, Shruti Sharma, and Ishita Sharma, were awarded by the Director and ECE HoD for their excellent performance and work ethics during the summer school. We thank MITWPU and IIITD for their support and coordination for the successful organization of the summer school. We also thank our TAs, Khagendra Joshi, Ishan Sharma, and Prateek Kumar, for their contributions.
- The ECE department has undertaken an initiative called Appreciating Champions of ECE (ACE), where each year, the department's faculty will nominate some students who have excelled in coursework, project, research, and TAship. These students would also be honoured by department mementoes.
The awardees for the year 2023 are: Anmol Goyal, Ayush Madhan-Sohini, Divin Dominic, Kshitiz Joshi, Madhur Kumar, Mallika Singhal, Siraj Ansari, Krishna neel Reddy, Pooja Kumari, Saksham Gupta, Samaksh Gupta, Setu Gupta, Shragvi Sidharth Jha.
- Dr. Anuj's interview regarding the B.Tech EVE program launched by the ECE department IIIT-Delhi. "Youtube"
- The ECE department, IIIT-Delhi, is organizing a two-week workshop on 5G cellular systems as a skill development & training initiative. The workshop will strive to give its audience in-depth technical know-how on 5G and beyond 5G systems and equip them with the basic skill set required for a successful career in the telecommunications domain. The workshop will be free for all the participants. "Website & registration"
- ECE Department has released the latest edition of the ECE magazine "ElectroBuzz ECE Magazine:2023 Edition."
- Prof. Anubha Gupta, is offering a 12-week online course titled 'Machine Learning (ML) in Hindi" on NPTEL. Registration & contents are free of Cost.
- The ECE Department's M.Tech program has received NBA accreditation for six years till AY 2028-29.
- Prof. Vivek Ashok Bohara is offering an NPTEL SWAYAM course on Fundamentals of Wireless communication ( Hindi). Registration and content is free of cost.
- A paper titled "Priority Based V2V Data Offloading Scheme for FiWi based Vehicular Network using Reinforcement Learning," by Akshita Gupta, Saurabh Jaiswal, Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Anand Srivastava has been accepted for publication in Vehicular Communications, 2023.
Click here for more details
- Congratulations to Sumit Darak, Sanat Biswas, and Shobha Sundar Ram for project funding on topic titled "NavISense: Design and Prototype of NavIC Signal Processing Accelerator on Heterogeneous System-on-Chip for Remote Sensing" for a duration of 5 years.
Click here for more details
- Prof. Anubha Gupta, IIIT Delhi and Dr. Manu K. Shetty, Associate Professor at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, have won the first prize at the Lab2Market2023 event organized by INDIAai.
Fb, Twitter Linkedin
- Congratulations to Sneh Saurabh sir for his book "Introduction to VLSI Design Flow", released by Cambridge University Press. The book provides a comprehensive view of the entire VLSI design flow and will be helpful for students, practicing engineers, and researchers in the field of VLSI design.
The details are in the following video and PDF :
Youtube link ,PDF Link
- Deep Neural Network Augmented Wireless Channel Estimation for Preamble-based OFDM PHY on Zynq System on Chip by Syed Asrar ul Haq (PhD Student, IIIT Delhi), Abdul Karim Gizzini (ETIS, France), Shakti Shrey (MTech Student, IIIT Delhi), Sumit J. Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi), Sneh Saurabh (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) and Marwa Chafii ( New York University, Abu Dhabi) published in IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems Link1 ,Link2
- Kainat Yasmeen (Ph.D ECE, A2A Lab) has received prestigious Michael Wicks Travel Award
- International Workshop on "Affordable Technologies for Next Generation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles" @ IIIT-Delhi
- Prof. Vivek Bohara (Professor and Head, ECE Department, IIIT-Delhi) has received the prestigious CHANAKYA Faculty Fellowship from Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) IoT in IIT Bombay.
- Dr. Sanat K Biswas has received a research grant for "Multisensor data fusion and Orbit determination with nonlinear estimation for space debris RADAR" from ISRO for 3 years.
- We are delighted to share that Vivek Ruhela (SBILab, IIITD) and Ashutosh Vaish (SBILab, IIITD) under the supervision of Prof. Anubha Gupta presented two individual posters at IEEE SPS Conclave (Delhi Chapter) and secured second and third positions, respectively for the presentations.
- We are elated to announce you that Dr. Angshul Majumdar has been elected as member of the EURASIP Technical Area Committee on Signal and Data Analytics for Machine Learning.
- Dr. Sumit J Darak organized a 14 day Winter School on “Digital System Design for FPGA and ASIC" under the National Academic Immersion Program ( NAIP) for MIT-WPU students.
- The ECE Department, IIIT-Delhi organized Industry Day on 21st Jan 2023. The event saw nine speakers from reputed organizations like Nokia, Cadence, Synopsis, DRDO DYSL Lab, NetApp. The event also witnessed dignitaries from Indian Army, Indian Airforce, Indian Space Association and ISRO.
- Dr. Vivek A bohara is appointed as Chair of IEEE Comsoc Society.
- Students Syed Asrar ul haq, Animesh Sharma & Anurag Gulati from Algorithms to Architecture lab, won 2nd prize in VLSID 2023 Design Contest for demo: Design and performance analysis of deep-learning augmented channel estimation on System-On-Chip.
- Authors Saswati Paramita, Anand Srivastava, Vivek Ashok Bohara, Abhijit Mitra, Hari Ramamoorthy M, Hari Krishna Atluri, A. Paventhan (ERNET INDIA) of paper: Demo of Hybrid LiFi/WiFi Network for an Indoor Environment received Best Demos-Exhibits Awards Runner Up in COMSNETS 2023.
- PhD student Bushra Ansari (adviser: Dr. Sanat K Biswas) has been selected for Australia India Research Students Fellowship Program. In this program, Bushra will visit Macquarie University for 8 weeks to work on NavIC and GPS interference.
- Paper titled "Optical IRS Aided B5G V2V Solution for Road Safety Applications" by Tathagat Pal (UG student), Gurinder Singh (PhD student), Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara, and Dr. Anand Srivastava has received the best paper award in the IEEE ANTS 2022 conference held in IIT Gandhinagar.
- Inauguration of 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐦 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬
- The authors Saswati Paramita , Anand Srivastava , Vivek Ashok Bohara , Abhijit Mitra (IIIT Delhi), Hari Ramamoorthy M, Hari Krishna Atluri, A. Paventhan (ERNET INDIA) of paper on "Demo of Hybrid LiFi/WiFi Network for an Indoor Environment" have demonstrated the practical setup in the 15th International Conference, COMSNETS 2023. They received Best Demos-Exhibits Awards Runner Up in COMSNETS 2023.-
- ECE Department has released the latest edition of the student-run annual ECE magazine "ElectroBuzz ECE Magazine: September 2022 Edition."
- "Interview with DD Urdu on New EVE BTech Branch with senior VLSI faculty, Dr. Anuj Grover and Dr. Sneh Saurabh." "Interview Glimpse"
- “The ECE department has received Tier-1 NBA accreditation for its UG program till June 2025.”
- The “CloudLab: Physical Lab Experiments in Online Mode” project has received funding under the DST Prayas scheme. Team members are Anmol Goyal (BTech ECE), Mihir Chaturvedi (BTech ECE), Khagendra Joshi (Lab Engineer), and Dr. Sumit Darak (Faculty ECE).
- S. Santosh, S. Darak “Multi-armed Bandit Algorithms on Zynq System-on-Chip: Go Frequentist or Bayesian?” is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Impact factor: 14.255).
- We are elated to announce that our PhD students Aakanksha Tewari and Akanksha Sneh (supervised by Dr. Shobha Ram and Dr. Sumit J Darak) innovation titled "Software/Hardware Prototype of IEEE 802.11ad/ay Based Joint Radar-Communication Transceiver" have won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) India, 2022..
- A. Lord, S. J. Savory, M. Tornatore, A. Mitra “Flexible Technologies to Increase Optical Network Capacity” has been accepted in Proceedings of IEEE Journal.
- A. Singh, A. Chakraborty, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava “On estimating the Location and the 3-D shape of an Object in an Indoor Environment Using Visible Light” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Photonics Journal.
- ECE Department has released the 4th edition of the student-run annual ECE magazine "ElectroBuzz ECE Magazine: April 2022 Edition."
- A. Tewari, Neelam, S. J. Darak, V. Kizheppatt, M. S. Jafri “Reconfigurable Wireless PHY with Dynamically Controlled Out-of-Band Emission on Zynq SoC” is accepted at 65th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2022).
- Dr. Vivek A Bohara has been invited by NIT Rourkela to deliver a lecture in the FDP on "Emerging Wireless Communications: 6G and Beyond" on 12th May 2022.
- Dr. Vivek A Bohara has been invited by NIT Warangal to deliver a lecture in the FDP on "Applications of AI in Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks" on 7th May 2022.
- D. N. Anwar, M. Peer, K. Lata, A. Srivastava and V. A. Bohara “3-D Deployment of VLC Enabled UAV Networks with Energy and User Mobility Awareness” is accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking as a Regular Paper.
- Rahul, A. Mitra, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava, and D. Solanki “Experimental Validation of Optical Wireless Receiver using Solar Panel with Bandwidth Enhancement Circuit” has been accepted for publication in 95th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022-Spring), Helsinki, Finland 2022.
- R. Prasad “Select Wisely and Explain: Active Learning and Probabilistic Local Post-hoc Explainability” accepted for publication in AIES 2022.
- R. Ahmad, A. Srivastava “Sequential Load Balancing for Link Aggregation Enabled Heterogeneous LiFi WiFi Network" accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
- Dr. Sanat K. Biswas (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) has been selected for the 2020 Harry Rowe Mimno Award for the paper entitled “State Estimation Methods in Navigation: Overview and Application” by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Society..
- A. Gupta, H. S. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava “Energy Resource Allocation for Green FiWi Network using Ensemble Learning" accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
- Our M.Tech student Animesh Sharma's (guided by Dr. Sumit J Darak) project proposal titled "Design and Prototype of Deep Residual Learning based Channel Estimation of 5G and beyond 5G networks" has been selected under the CHANAKYA fellowship Programme of IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation..
- S. K. Biswas “Unsupervised Learning-based Satellite Selection Algorithm for GPS-NavIC multi-constellation receivers” is accepted in GPS Solutions.
- A. Singh, A. Srivastava, and V. A. Bohra “Optimum LED semiangle and the receiver FOV selection for Indoor VLC System with Human Blockages” is accepted at 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2022-Spring in Helsinki, Finland.
- S. Misra, H. Jagadeesh, and R. Prasad “Path-Aware OMP Algorithms for Provenance Recovery in Wireless Networks” is accepted at VTC2022-Spring in Helsinki, Finland.
- V. Sharma, M. Hashmi “Frequency Generator Demonstration Using Half Mode SIW Structures for Chipless RFID Reader” is accepted in IET Circuits, Devices & Systems.
- We are delighted to announce that our PhD alumni, Ms. Dr. Himani Joshi (under the supervision of Dr. Sumit J Darak) has been awarded the COMSNETS best Ph.D. thesis award for her thesis titled “Intelligent and Reconfigurable Ultra-Wideband Spectrum Characterization at Sub-Nyquist Rate”.
- G. Singh, A. Srivastava, V. A. Bohara, Z. Liu, Noor-A-Rahim, and G. Ghatak “Heterogeneous Visible Light and Radio Communication for Improving Safety Message Dissemination at Road Intersection” is accepted in IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System.
- M.K. Srivastav, R. Sharma, R. Mishra, A. Grover, K. J. Dhori, H. Rawat "3-Stage Pipelined Hierarchical SRAMs with Burst Mode Read in 65nm LSTP CMOS " has been accepted at IEEE ISCAS 2022.
- A. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava "Techno-Socio-Economic Impact of Joint Energy Resource Allocation Scheme in FiWi Network" is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2022.
- A. Haroon, S. Saurabh "Image Completion using a Sparse Probabilistic Spin Logic Network" is accepted in 35th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID) 2022.
- S. Chaturvedi, D. N. Anwar, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava, Z. Liu "Low-Complexity Codebook Design for SCMA based Visible Light Communication" has been accepted in IEEE OJCOMS 2022.
- S. H. Gade, M. Sinha, M. Kumar, S. Deb "Scalable Hybrid Cache Coherence Using Emerging Links for Chiplet Architectures" has been accepted in 35th International Conference on VLSI Design and 21st International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID).
- N. M. Karoti, S. Paramita, R. Ahmad, V. A. Bohara, A. Srivastava "Improving the performance of Heterogeneous LiFi-WiFi network using a novel Link Aggregation Framework" has been accepted in IEEE WCNC 2022.
- The ECE department is organizing INDUSTRY DAY on 15th Dec 2021 (Wednesday).
- Prashasti (PhD student) has been awarded the CII-SERB Prime Minister’s Fellowship for Doctoral Research (since 2012).
- An interview of Dr. Sanat K Biswas on establishing a laboratory on Space Technology at IIIT Delhi has been recently broadcasted in the New Space India podcast.
- ECE Department has released the 4th edition of the student-run annual ECE magazine "ElectroBuzz ECE Magazine: October 2021 Edition."
- Dr. Anuj Grover conducted an FDP for AICTE, as a part of their ATAL program , from 15th to 19th Oct 2021.
- P. Sahoo, R. Rajoria, S. Chandhok, S.J. Darak, D. Pau, H-D. Dabral “Resource-Constrained Neural Networks for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation on Micro-controllers” AIMLSystems conference, 2021 has won the best paper award for “Outstanding Application-oriented research”
- M. Gupta, S. Sharma, H. Joshi, S. J. Darak "Reconfigurable Architecture for Spatial Sensing in Wideband Radio Front-End" is accepted at IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (I.F. 3.29).
- G. Ghatak, H. Mohanty, A. Ur Rahman "Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test-Based Actively-Adaptive Thompson Sampling for Non-Stationary Bandits" is accepted at IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 2021.
- Yash Gupta (B.Tech, 2017-2021) has been selected to receive the IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 Student Travel Grant by IEEE COMSOC.
- M.K. Srivastav, R. Sharma, G. Soni, U. Mittal, R. Tewari, R. Yadav, A. Grover, K.J. Dhori, H. Rawat " Charge Scavenging Gate Coupled Hierarchical Bitline Scheme for Ultra-Low Power SRAMs in 65nm LSTP CMOS" has been accepted at IEEE ICECS 2021.
- A. Saxena, S. Bansal, D. Sharma, P. Kumari, S.K. Singh, P. Kapil, B. Iqbal, A. Grover "Design Of High-Density Memory Cell Library For Low Voltage Operation In 65nm LSTP Technology" is accepted in IEEE INDICON 2021.
- ECE Lab has organized a hardware design challenge, "Electrivire'21" conducted in two different stages on 13th September 2021 and 18th September 2021, subsequently.
- PhD student from ECE was invited to speak at a symposium organized by United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs
- Dr Pravesh Biryani (Faculty, IIITD) has been awarded Prof. Rajeev Sanghal Faculty Fellowship in appreciation for his contributions towards the holistic development of students.
- A. Gupta, S. Saurabh "Implementing a Ternary Inverter Using Dual-Pocket Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors " is accepted at IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
- S. Kar, A. Grover "A 585mV, 16.6fJ/cycle, 0.2µW Variation Tolerant Scannable Hybrid Flip-Flop in 65nm CMOS LSTP" is accepted at IEEE PrimeAsia 2021, Malaysia.
- S. Bansal, A. Grover "Process Compensated Diagnostic Circuit For Impending Fault Detection In SRAM Write Drivers" is accepted at IEEE APCCAS 2021, Malaysia.
- The print edition of The Times Of India features a front-page article titled 'Heart risk linked to COVID-19'. SBILab has collaborated with the Cardiology department of G.B. Pant Hospital to interpret imaging test reports of the heart during COVID-19 using AI.
- G. Ghatak, S. Khosravirad, A. Domenico "Stochastic Geometry Framework for Ultra-Reliable Cooperative Communications with Random Blockages" is accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- G. Ghatak, S. Kalamkar, Y. Gupta, S. Sharma "A Fine-Grained Analysis of Radar Detection in Vehicular Networks" is accepted at IEEE GLOBECOM 2021.
- A. Vashistha, IIIT-Kota delivered a talk on "High Resolution Indoor Localization System Using Ultra Wide Band Impulse Radio" on 13 Aug 2021.
- V. Bohara was invited to conduct a session in a National Webinar on "Optical Wireless Communication : Challenges and Opportunities" organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIRMA Univeresity.
- H. Joshi, S. Santra, S. Darak, M. Hanawal, S. Santosh "Multi-Play Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm Based Sensing of Non-Contiguous Wideband Spectrum for AIoT Networks" is accepted in the special issue on Advanced Collaborative Technologies for Artificial Intelligence of Things in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics .
- A. Majumdar has been selected as Director , Student Services, IEEE Signal Processing Society. His term commences on January 1, 2022 and is till December 21, 2024.
- M. Agarwal, S. Saurabh "An Efficient Timing Model of Flip-Flops Based on Artificial Neural Network" is accepted in MLCAD 2021 (3rd ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD).
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Delhi Chapter successfully organised IEEE SPS AIVA 2021 event from 24th June - 28th June 2021.
- A. Balaji and S. Saurabh "Reducing Breakdown Voltage in a Bipolar Impact Ionization MOSFET (BI-MOS) using Gate–Source Underlap" is accepted in the conference VLSI-SOC 2021, Singapore.
- B. Ansari has been selected to present "High-resolution satellite-based land surface monitoring using NavIC L5 signal" at the UN/Austria Symposium "Space Applications for Food Systems" organised by the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs.
- S.Biswas,B. Ansari "A Hardware-In-Loop simulation Test-bed for NavIC Reflectometry Experiments" has been accepted at the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI -GASS 2021) for presentation.
- S.Biswas "A theoretical comparison of NavIC and GPS RAIM performance" has been accepted at the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI -GASS 2021).
- S. Deb, A. Grover recieved grant from NSM R&D – Exascale for project titled “Efficient Communication Infrastructure for Future Heterogeneous System Architectures”.
- R. Prasad recieved Power grant from DST-SERB for project titled "On Personalized Federated Learning using Meta-learning and Bayesian Neural Networks".
- Project titled "Orbit computation of Resident Space Objects for Space Situational Awareness" proposed by S. Biswas and A. Balaji has been accepted under National Super Computing Mission HPC Applications .
- S. Vishwakarma, former PhD student's interview has been featured in TAES newsletter.
- ECE Department has released 3rd edition of student run annual ECE magazine "ElectroBuzz ECE Magazine : Mar2021 Edition"
- In a bid to counter the dreaded Covid-19 strain and control the spread of the disease, the ECE Labs has developed a Smart Automated Hand Sanitizer Machine. The machine drops a fixed (controlled) amount of sanitizer after the presence of hands
- Invitation to Thesis Defense of N. Wadhwa on 18th March, 2021 at 3:30 PM.Title of the Thesis is "Flexible Electronics Based Efficient Front-End Circuits for NonInvasive Continuous Health Monitoring in Biomedical Wearable Devices."
- The Research findings from the Ph.D. work of Sidhartha Sankar Rout supervised by Dr. Sujay Deb, titled "Efficient Post-Silicon Debug Platforms for Future Many-Core Systems" won the First Prize in the Student Research Forum of 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 20th International Conference on Embedded System.
- Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi is going to start a new Centre of Excellence on Light Fidelity . The CoE will also facilitate capacity building by supporting research collaboration and exchange of experts between India and the European countries.
- ShikshAI an Educational startup is launched by Dr. Angshul Majumdar to introduce Artificial Intelligence in our education system to advance innovative ways to mediate learning and teaching. The broad objective is to democratize education. AI boosted learning methods will aid and encourage children to learn through pedagogically enhanced apps that make learning easy and fun for children of any age.
- Paper titled "Demo Abstract: Contactless E-ticketing in Public Transport Buses," by R. Girsa, K. Srivastava, A. Jain and Pravesh Biyani (IIIT-Delhi) 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, 2021.
- Paper titled "Exploration of Temporal and Spectral Features of EEG Signals in Motor Imagery Tasks," by M. Saxena and A. Gupta, has been published in International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, 2021.
- Paper titled "Generalized SIR (GSIR) epidemic model: An improved framework for the predictive monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic" by Dr. Pushpendra Singh (NIT Hamirpur) and Dr. Anubha Gupta (IIIT-Delhi) has been accepted in ISA Trans. 2021.
- The 2-day FPGA workshop was a great success and witnessed enthusiastic partcipation from B.Tech. Students and working professionals.The students got hands on experience of working with FPGA and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
- Work titled "Security Threats in Channel Access Mechanism of Wireless NoC and Efficient Countermeasures" by Ph.D. scholar Sidhartha Sankar Rout and Dr. Sujay Deb (faculty) won 3rd Prize at Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Virtual Presentation Conclave (IVPC) 2020.
- Paper titled "Reconfigurable and Intelligent Ultra-Wideband Angular Sensing: Prototype Design and Validation " authored by Himani Joshi (PhD student, IIIT-Delhi), Dr. Sumit J Darak (Faculty, IIIT-Delhi).
- The Research findings from the Ph.D. work of Sidhartha Sankar Rout supervised by Dr. Sujay Deb, titled "Efficient Post-Silicon Debug Framework for Network-on-Chip" won the ACM SIGDA Best Student Research Forum Award (Most Popular Poster) at 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) 2021.
- Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara delivered an invited talk on "Can VLC replace RF? Possible application scenarios in V2X and 5G cellular standards" in Workshop on "Last-mile" Challenges and Standardization Opportunities in Smart Infrastructure at COMSNETS 2021 on 5th January 2021. The details for the talk can be found here:
- Dr. Vievk Ashok Bohara delivered an invited talk on "Vehicular-Visible Light Communication and Indoor- Visible Light Communication for next generation wireless communication standards," at International Lecture Series on signal Processing Antennas and Communications at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur on 12 January 2021.
- Dr. Sumit J Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) and Dr. Manjesh Hanawal (Faculty, IIT Bombay) delivered a 3-hour tutorial titled "Distributed Learning Algorithms for Wireless Networks" in COMSNETs 2021. More details and video link are available here:
- Remote hardware labs were setup under the supervision of Dr. Sumit J. Darak.The remote hardware labs facilitated the learning in Covid Era.Read about it.
- Sahil Yadav(UG,ECE,2016) secured 3rd place in US-based film festival called "ESMOA Video Art+Film festival".His film "Acceptance" holds position for two categories "Animation Favourite Category" and "Audience Favourite Awards".A total of 525 submissions came from 68 countries around the globe.He was guided by Prof.Anoop Ratn.Check out the film here.
- Dr.Anubha Gupta's interview got published in IEEE Signal Processing Society's December 2020 Newsletter.
- ECE department faculty Dr.Angshul Majumdar's interview has been featured this month in IEEE SPS Newsletter.
- Paper titled "New Spectrum Efficient Reconfigurable Filtered-OFDM Based L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communication System" authored by Niharika Agrawal (Ph.D. Student, IIIT Delhi), Sumit Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) and Faouzi Bader (Faculty, CentraleSupelec, France) has been accepted for publication in the journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
- Dr. Sanat K. Biswas delivered a full-day tutorial on Global Navigation Satellite Systems at IIT Madras on 16th February, which was an associated event of the conference "Advances in Control and Optimisation of Dynamic Systems (ACODS) 2020". For further details, see:
- Dr. Sumit J. Darak received core research grant (CRG) from DST-SERB for the project titled "Intelligent and Flexible PHY for 5G*".
- IIIT Delhi UAV Team - Aurora led by undergraduate students Akhil Jarodia, Aseem Saini and Mukul Chhabra secured 6th rank in the 17th edition of the coveted Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Student Unmanned Aerial Systems (AUVSI SUAS) Competition held at the US Navy Air Station in Maryland, USA from 12th-15th June 2019. A total of 75 teams participated in the competition. In addition to this, the team has been awarded prize money of $2250. The team used a hexacopter UAV platform which cleared all milestones and deliverables including fully autonomous mission, stationary & moving obstacles avoidance, autonomous air-delivery of a water bottle and object detection & classification.
- SPARC project [Ministry of HRD, Govt of India] titled "Post-Silicon Debug Platform for Secured Systems" with Dr. Sujay Deb (Indian-PI), Prof. Prabhat Mishra (International PI), Dr. Saket Anand (Indian Co-PI), and Dr. Kanad Basu (International Co-PI) got approved with a budget sanction for 48 lakhs. This project is a collaboration work between IIIT Delhi, University of Florida and New York University.
- Viraj Parimi (B.Tech CSE, 2015), Sharmistha Gupta (B.Tech ECE, 2016) and Raghavv Goel (B.Tech ECE, 2016) have been selected for CMU-RISS 2019, Carnegie Mellon University’s eleven-week summer research internship program.
- The RISS (Robotics Institute Summer Scholars) program is one of the best undergraduate robotics research opportunities in the world. It is a fully funded program that selects around 35 undergraduate students every year worldwide to carry out research in the domain of robotics and related fields. The selected students work on state-of-the-art projects under the mentorship of faculty at CMU.
- Dr. Abhijit Mitra has been awarded the Professional Achievement Award by the British Council Alumni Awards India-2019 on March 15.
- Our Ph.D. candidate, Deepayan Banerjee, have received Student Travel Grant for Outstanding Work for his paper at the IEEE 69th ECTC to be held at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 10 students have been selected from all over the world and Deepayan is the only one to be selected from India.
- Best graduate forum award at ICDCN 2019 for Mr. Rohit Kumar (PhD student NIT Delhi, co-supervised by Dr. Sumit)
- Second-best poster award (among 34 posters from various IITs and international universities: https://www.comsnets.org/accepted_posters.html for the paper titled "LSTM Guided Modulation Classification and Experimental Validation for Sub-Nyquist Rate Wideband Spectrum Sensing" authored by S. Chandhok (JMI Delhi), Himani Joshi (PhD Student, IIIT-Delhi), Sumit J. Darak (Faculty, IIIT-Delhi) and A. Subramanyam (Faculty, IIIT-Delhi)
- Joint best graduate forum awards at COMSNETs 2019 to Himani Joshi (PhD Student, IIIT-Delhi) and Rohit Kumar (PhD student NIT Delhi, co-supervised by Dr. Sumit).
- Book by our faculty member Dr. Agnshul Majumdar, titled "Compressed sensing for Engineers" is out on stands. The book introduces the topic of compressed sending in a level accessible to engineering students. Reading it requires only a basic understanding of linear and optimization. The complex mathematical concepts are explained intuitively. The book mainly concentrates on algorithms and applications (in signal processing and machine learning). It contains Matlab implementation of almost all the algorithms discussed.
Compressed sensing (CS) studies the solution of a system of under-determined linear equations when the solution is known to be sparse. The subject revolutionised signal processing and machine learning since it's onset in late 2000s. CS paved way for faster MRIs and safer CT scans. It paved way for modern representation learning; CS concepts are being used today in sparse techniques for deep learning. This book introduces CS at the level accessible by professional engineers and does not expect an advanced mathematical background required for understanding other treatises on this topic. The emphasis is on algorithms and applications of compressed sensing.
- Paper titled "New Spectrum Efficient Reconfigurable Filtered-OFDM Based L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communication System" authored by Niharika Agrawal (Ph.D. Student, IIIT Delhi), Sumit Darak (Faculty, IIIT Delhi) and Faouzi Bader (Faculty, CentraleSupelec, France) has been accepted for publication in the journal IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
To meet an ever-increasing demand of the spectrum for aeronautical communication, we propose new L-band digital aeronautical communication system (LDACS) using reconfigurable filtered OFDM (Ref-OFDM). The proposed protocol enables transceivers to dynamically adapt the transmission bandwidth over a wide range to meet the desired quality of service, and high out-of-band attenuation leads to significant improvement in the vacant spectrum utilization. We support our claims via theoretical analysis as well as simulation and complexity comparison results for various realistic channel conditions.
- Infosys Center for Artificial Intelligence at IIITD is organizing winter school on Artificial Intelligence. This Winter School will focus on the fundamentals and advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, along with application domains of computer vision, natural language processing, autonomous driving, and robotics. The lectures will be accompanied with lab sessions in the evening and the last day will be a hackathon on "AI for social good".
Students and professionals interested in learning algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence can apply.To apply click here
- Paper titled, "Distributed Learning and Optimal Assignment in Multiplayer Heterogeneous Networks" authored by H. Tibrewal (BTech student, IIT Bombay), S. Patchala (BTech student, IIT Bombay), M. Hanawal (Faculty IIT Bombay) and Sumit Darak (Faculty IIIT Delhi) has been accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2019 (Core A* conference) scheduled for 29th April - 2nd May at Paris, France.
We consider an ad hoc network where multiple users access the same set of channels. The channel characteristics are unknown and could be different for each user (heterogeneous). No controller is available to coordinate channel selections by the users, and if multiple users select the same channel, they collide and none of them receives any rate (or reward). For such a completely decentralized network we develop learning algorithms that aim to achieve optimal network throughput. For the wideband sensing and narrowband sensing scenarios, we first develop explore-and-commit algorithms that converge to near-optimal allocation with high probability in a small number of rounds. Building on this, we develop an algorithm that gives logarithmic regret.
- Congrats ! Dr. Vivek Ashok Bohara for got a reserach grant from SERB-TARE for Project titled "Machine Learning for Efficient Millimeter-Wave Communication"
- Congrats ! Naveen Gupta for got a travel grant to attend IEEE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (GLOBECOM) to be held in Singapore from 04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017approved by DST SERB for the paper titled "OFDMA Based Angle-Constrained Underlay Device-to-Device Communication" co-authored by Dr. Vivek Bohara (Faculty, IIIT-D).